Terms of use and data policy

Personal data

If you do not log in, this website does not store any personal data. If you log in and choose to store your favorite resources on your home page, this website stores your email. We show your account image and the name you use with your Google account/Github/Discord. This is used on your ObiOne home page, but these images are never stored on our platform.

Login with Google, Github, Discord

In the beta stage of this platform, we only accept login with Google, Github, or Discord.

We use an open protocol for this, meaning that Google, Github, or Discord are still responsible for all data about your email.

Delete your user

You can at any time leave the platform after deleting your data. In the beta period, you need to delete all your favorite resources and log out. All data about your use will then be deleted, with no digital trace left on our platform. In later versions, we will provide a delete-all button. You can bring all resources with you and run them on another platform.

Terms of use

Learning resources on ObiOne.no are under a Creative Commons license. All resources are marked with a specific license. Some of the videos are under a Creative Commons License with a Non-derivative clause. This means you can re-use, but not re-mix. Some videos are under Copyright.